Saturday, October 18, 2008

All this for happiness!!!!

Of late I have been wondering what life is all about!! Pat comes the reply- Happiness....Atleast that's what most of will say....
But the irony of the whole thing is that at every point in our life we keep worrying about something or the other!
In kinder garden it's about a chocolate or something that the kid next to you primary school it's about an eraser,or pencil or a video middle school it's about a school team you would like to get into or that being the initial phase of a teenager's life-about looks (though this continues for most of us..)...then in high school about your studies or about the college or university that you would like to get into or about your secret crush....when the person is done with school, it's about the career options...parents confront you everywhere you go,then there are career counselors who really confuse you....then the competition from your peers.....once you are done with college it's about a job, your future...then secure financially???time to select your life partner(this has to be right!! :P)...then about your kids..what they will do next....ultimately like every other parent you end up either planning their life or worry sick about their this cycle goes on and on.......

Now I ask you what you do all this for,why do you need money...a life once again the reply comes immediately!!! "HAPPINESS IN LIFE".....

After all this you think I'm going to disagree???No.Not at all....I totally agree that all this IS for happiness.....

Now consider this....
In kinder garden you are given a chocolate..the amount of pleasure that you derive in devouring it(and making the kid next to you cry!!)-not measurable....
in primary school you are got the latest pencil or video game you wanted!!How you go about boasting about it to everybody you see!!!
In school you are popular.....real popular...well, there is no comparison at all to your happiness....
You get into the university or college you wanted....may be you are not leading in class...but the happiness ,that elated feeling when you are with your friends...that special bond you develop with a select few...that is a beautiful feeling....that feeling that tells you that whatever goes wrong in your day will be compensated by the joy of being with your friends.....

Getting a job and giving your first salary to your parents....silently promising them that you will be able to support them from then on and reassuring them that their hard work has indeed borne some fruit.....The beautiful feeling called love that you feel with a person outside your family and finally bringing them into your family by tying the knot.....The joy of seeing your own baby...the way he or she cuddles up to you, holds your one finger with utmost trust....and bringing up the li'l one hoping that your hard work will bear fruits....the tiniest pleasures of his or her achievements.....

Now tell me-it is for these pleasures-however small they may be.....that you live life without considering the other option-death..... of course,there are those who don't realize this.....let's hope they do find out at some point of their lives,before it's too late.............

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