Friday, July 18, 2008

the beginning of kaliyug???

Today i came across an article in a magazine about a suicide bombing in Afghanisthan and a break out from the prison at Khandahar(if I am right......).My God!That country and the local people are really suffering!!!What with the extremely rich smuggling opium out of the country on the one hand and the extremely poor,caught in all the bombing,homeless!
This country has been suffering for quite a long time now.......first the foreigners caused havoc and now,the country's own sons!!!Imagine a world where you don't know what to do next and who are the people you can trust???

This only reminds me of two of Khalled Hosseini's books I read-The kite runner and A Thousand splendid suns.....both these books played with my heart for a very very long really touched me......the way people in afghanisthan struggle....the injustice done to innocent people.....some times it really does make you wonder if God really exists!!!
The Kite Runner is a story about an Afghan boy from a rich background w3ho moves to America during the war....while A thousand splendid suns revolves around a girl who lives the life of an outcast in her childhood and later struggles with her husband,in the country itself.....
Though there is a special touch to the story and striking similarities between the two(probably because the author has written both these books based on the life of Afghans during the war and during the taliban rule.....),the two books make anybody emotional!!!even the hardest of hearts will move and reach out to Miriam......
I would have loved to quote some lines from the book,but I don't have it right now........but if you haven't read this book,it's a must-read.......

coming back to the plight of afghanistan,pathetic!!!Is this what Kaliyug is????so where is God??If this is the beginning of kaliyug....then how is it going to be in the years to come???will the whole of this world be like this???Well,i hope not!!!!but time alone will answer this question!!!

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