Wednesday, July 30, 2008

my favourite story....

I am God fearing........but sometimes i really wonder if God is really there.....and if yes,why does He give people tough times???

I heard this story later on,which i remember when i feel this way about's a very sweet story which most of you would have heard....because my friend had already heard it when i told her(so i thought I'll take this precaution...)

There was once a pious old man.he spoke his heart out with god everyday...and pleased God with his devotion that god came in front of him and granted him a wish......The old man was extremely happy and told god that he wanted Him to be with him all the time,throughout his life.God immediately agreed.Wherever the old man went he saw 2 pairs of footprints and was happy to know that God was with him...As the days passed....the old man's health started deteriorating and was extremely weak....One day, as he went out to get some fresh air,he turned around to see if there were two prints,but was surprised and saddened to see only one pair of footprints."Oh God!You promised to stay with me forever.But now I am very old and you desert me????"
He then heard a voice very close to him...."My man,I never go back on my promises!You are too old and weak to walk.So all this time I was carrying you....It is my footprints that you see!!!!"

So that really gets me back to my senses!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

the beginning of kaliyug???

Today i came across an article in a magazine about a suicide bombing in Afghanisthan and a break out from the prison at Khandahar(if I am right......).My God!That country and the local people are really suffering!!!What with the extremely rich smuggling opium out of the country on the one hand and the extremely poor,caught in all the bombing,homeless!
This country has been suffering for quite a long time now.......first the foreigners caused havoc and now,the country's own sons!!!Imagine a world where you don't know what to do next and who are the people you can trust???

This only reminds me of two of Khalled Hosseini's books I read-The kite runner and A Thousand splendid suns.....both these books played with my heart for a very very long really touched me......the way people in afghanisthan struggle....the injustice done to innocent people.....some times it really does make you wonder if God really exists!!!
The Kite Runner is a story about an Afghan boy from a rich background w3ho moves to America during the war....while A thousand splendid suns revolves around a girl who lives the life of an outcast in her childhood and later struggles with her husband,in the country itself.....
Though there is a special touch to the story and striking similarities between the two(probably because the author has written both these books based on the life of Afghans during the war and during the taliban rule.....),the two books make anybody emotional!!!even the hardest of hearts will move and reach out to Miriam......
I would have loved to quote some lines from the book,but I don't have it right now........but if you haven't read this book,it's a must-read.......

coming back to the plight of afghanistan,pathetic!!!Is this what Kaliyug is????so where is God??If this is the beginning of kaliyug....then how is it going to be in the years to come???will the whole of this world be like this???Well,i hope not!!!!but time alone will answer this question!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008


Now that i have completed one year of college....i have so many different gangs of from middle school......two or three from high school........friends i got through mutual mates.....bus gang.....classmates.........

Now let me tell you-maintaining the same rapport with all your friends throughout your life is an extremely difficult job( which took me a few bitter experiences to understand ) for those of you reading is what i think about continuing to be great friends.......
let your different friends know that you hang out with different friends at different times.......when you grow older it is natural to come across a lot of people who will share a lot of your tend to become closer to them too......but see to it you have that one phone call atleast every week......that monthly meetings....and constant messaging goes on....this way you still get to share all your experiences and get to gossip too...... ;p

Being in groups of three can also be a problem at one of them tends to start feeling out of happens however hard you try at some point of whenever you feel that way,push it out of your mind and engage yourself in conversations with the other two....make yourself more visible....the general tendency of people is to isolate themselves from the other two.....remember.....your friends are also trying their level best to pour their affection on the other two equally.....and they will not understand your mindset at such will puzzle them......

whatever your mindset is.....remember,friends are forever.......they share your sorrows,joys,secrets and your ice creams and chocolates too,lol......

remember your friends can never be great without a FRIEND.......

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

my first blog....hee...hee....

so this being my first blog,i thought i would really talk something am i here???????
i feel blogs can be great ways to discuss things that can be really "lame"-but made interesting......i can't go on and on about certain crazy know stuff that crops up in your mind and puff...the next minute it's gone!!!!
and another reason-i like writing- be it good or bad!!!i maintain a diary....but don't write in it everyday........i make an entry only when i am in the mood to write something or when i am really i've had a tiff with my father,or when i feel life's unfair,or when i get really philosophical(like you know life is full of sorrows and the few pleasant things you have are probably the bonuses.......that is to say that life is not a bed of roses with a few is a bed of thorns with a few roses here and there......)yikes!!!!!now am really getting thing that really made me write journals was not my wish to go back to my thoughts on a later date.....but the fact that maybe my great great grandchildren would like to know about their great great grandma when they see my diary.....then i decided that they will probably think that i was the world's greatest moaner of all times......coz my diary is where i pour out my see i never am in a mood to write when i am really happy!!!!!that's exactly why i am here........coz i can write even when i am happy!!!!!LAME!!!but atleast i am writing what is running right now in my mind.....and it is definitely not my tales of sorrows.........
nice being here.......i should make my next post a little more interesting i thing.......i think it's time to say goodbye and good night!!!! now it's time to do some research on how to write blogs.....hee...hee.......tata!!!!