Sunday, March 22, 2009

An End to Reasoning????

Every single question asked has a direct answer....yet the answer is never enough for human found the stone....he didn't stop with that....he found fire,made vehicles,invented a language,carved out caves,found that he could make jewellery out of the stones....he did not stop with the stones found on the surface,but dug out new ones,went into the sea,and more nd discovery lead to anoher and another and so on....
To cut a long story short,man has been discovering several things and inventing several things...and ofcourse,there are more things to be done(what with a million engineering students looking for a project to work on!!!) And he has come to this stage because of his nature to question....which leads me to the main topic of discussion in this blog....and yes,it is going to be a little spiritual too....
Scientists have worked on several things,found an answer to the previous question asked and progressed to unthinkeable levels!!!!and the graetest of greats have always asked this question to themselves.....I s science God??? Or is there a Supreme power driving science itself....Born and brought up in a family that believes in a supreme power ,I have never questioned the existence of God....To me, God exists....He is ,to me,the driving force behind everything, the controller of everything from the flow of blood and adrenaline in my body to the movement of planets in the universe,to the moulder of my character....Omnipotent....
He spreads positive vibrations when i think about Him...And He takes different forms for different beings...And yes,more than all this, He maintains the balance in our lives...I blame Him,scold Him,yet I trust Him.... I know that I can open out to Him....To me,and to thousands of others,He is an invisible being in whom I can I said,he spreads those positive vibrations in me....
To me, one person calls Him Shiva,one calls him Allah,one calls him God who sends his messenger Christ in His place,and some call Him Science....
I know this is an issue that people have debatted with for centuries!!!Fought over it for no reason at all!!!Just to make their points heard.....!!!! this is absurd....a man ultimately has to live his own life....nobody can live his life for him.... He makes his judgements,fixes his thoughts,trusts in people he wants,makes his friends ,his foes... so why kill another life to make your point heard or why make your point at all in sensitive issueslike the existence of God????
I have heard of several people talk about the search for your inner self...but my opinion again....there is no end to reasoning and searching!!!! ;P


Unknown said...

nan kadavul

Darshana said...


GAYATHRI said...

well..i do believe in god..cos i can experience god!!tat ends this topic...once u find divinity in everythin u find god..don reason..jus experience!!:)

Anonymous said...

gud zeitgeist(a documentary) and read 'brief hist. of time'...will givya lotta insight on dis topic

Unknown said...

god-magical word for u maybe
its still long wayy to go
good that i dont have such feelings
i beleive myself my innerself
true what kamal had said
"god exists in you dont search and pray for it everywhere its like that kabirs deer doha"

Darshana said...


its mee said...

nice jus depends on person what god is to him..what form the supernatural power,worshiping or not...reminds me of angels and demons..

Darshana said...

great book.... but a li'l extreme while reading this blog...