Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A terrible,terrible day!.

It's been a long day,today-no, not exceeding the 24 hours....but a really really boring day...The past one week hasn't been good at all for me(except the lunch after my last exam at a friend's place....too good...:) )
The same old waking up at 7.45 in the morning because somebody kept calling your name or the knock or sound of the calling bell pushing you out of your dream world into reality.I then spread the newspaper on the floor and squatted, sipping my bournvita...appa was out with some official work.Then I had my bath,watched tv,tried the sudoku and it was finally time for my appointment with the doctor-the monthly check up....All the way i was yapping away to my dad about an exhibition in the city and how i would like to see it...But even as I was narrating it and begging him to take me I was 100% sure that he was not going to and he was making false promises...How well I knew my dad!!
Then I was back home and didn't know what to do...I wanted to make my last day of holidays as eventful as possible,but looking back at the day I could see that i had done nothing exceopt get up,eat and talk...There I was again,watching tv...it wasn't long before my pati complained of a headache and I switched it off with a long face...i sat sulking,hoping that my dad would at least realise how bored i felt...Well,I was right,he did realise, but as usual did nothing about it...Oh,yes...he made one of his Oh!-so-often-heard promises that he would take me out at seven in the evening(and here I am typing away about a uneventful day at eight!).

The horriblest thing(you can see how horrible it is...I can't find a better word!) that can happen to a person is getting bored...in fact,if you wanted to punish a person,you can leave him alone with nothing to do and there he will be,in the verge of tears....well,today I was in tears!

So what am I going to do about it?I can't do anything about today,but definitely I can decide wat i'll do on a later date when i am in a similar situation...what with so many duties to fulfill!so many things to be learnt and so many places to be seen(after all, I am old enough to make my decisions,plan my day and put them in action as well!).... I take it up as a chal;lenge to write about an Oh-so -full-day inthe near future....:)

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