Friday, November 28, 2008

Who is God???

As I sit here with nothing to do....I have these strange thoughts...well,not everybody thinks this way!!!(wierd,really...)And this is what is running in my mind....Who is God??? For most people ,the moment they close their eyes,the image of their favourite God is what flashes in their minds....But my question is above all that!It's not just the physical appearance of God that I am talking's more of what he does.....
There have been several creative portrayals of God in recent films like God Tussi Great Ho,Thodaa Pyaar Thodaa Magic....where we se the modern God in a suit...
Here's what came to my mind...these small things that ran in my mind...
*Clothes...God's wardrobe must be full of clothes that we have seen so far ,with all the changing trends ,including clothes of every place that He has created(Oh,i can only imagine a He)..right from coats,to Scottish skirts,to Dhotis,Lungis,Bermudas.....everything..and probably all that is yet to be discovered and designed....
*His favourite hobby-Painting....yes,that's just it!!What else can possibly be there?
I see him painting those extra clouds giving that gloomy feel to the Earth when he is in such a mood...or painting the crimson of the beautiful setting sun hiding behind the scarlet a breathtaking and beautiful sky with the radiance outlining the clouds...which makes you think if the sun can hide at a game of hide and seek!!He has painted the green pastures,the beautiful sceneries in several parts of Europe(with a windmill and a dusky background in Holland, green,green everywhere with that oh!so-tidy cottages of the English and the huge tall castles of the Scottish), the busy stretys of New York, a bazaar in India-with all its colours..
*Music- He really is a great creator!! He has created the soul stirring Carnatic music...there are several verses praising Him and they are all rendered beautifully,the Hindustani music that blends with anything and everything!!He has also experimented with a thousand instruments right from the sound of water in a glass in jalatharang to the huge harp that gives out wonderful notes when plucked!
*Dance-Well,we can see for ourselves the different moves...
And at this point,I really started realizing that He has given us sooo many things to relish and enjoy....not only has he created all of them-he has also taught us how we can enjoy the chirping of the birds,gurgling of streams,soul-stirring music....He didn't leave us alone....He gave us friends,parents and a host of several animals and birds....He certainly is the greatest teacher!!!
But hey!Stop there.....he also created bad people...ok,they are not born bad...but look at what's happening around us!!People who cheat,who are greedy for position and money....and the main evil-money!!!Ah!How it can buy you anything in the world and lure you into a trap!But he instilled in people who were meant to be good, values.....he made the bad and the good,yet he gave one money,posts,all the riches and the other,good values,kindness,generosity ,yet little money (in most cases...i don't say the rich are bad!!!)...
Ah! I understood....Just the way Shakespeare(I hope I'm right) said,"All the world's a stage and people,mere actors!"Yes,this is a game,a drama that God is staging.....he likes to see the good and the evil together,test his actors with their skills and hearts!!
Now I see Him,the great director,smiling away at his creation-his huge theatre!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Rain,rain shower away!!!!

Now that I have nothing to do, I decided to update my blog......and my topic is the very same thing that has kept me indoors for 2 whole days!!RAIN!!!
Well, this one's been a reaaaaalllllyyy heavy one after a vvvveeerrrryyyy llllooooonnnnggg time!!Madras is literally sinking!!
About the developments and the discomforts this rain has caused-2 of my university exams got postponed(i know i am strange....but think of it this least i wouldn't have had to prepare for it all over again after 2 weeks....The exams would have been over!),the whole area is flooded and there's water up to our hips!!!....anticipating electric shocks and live wires,the people in my apartment complex decided to cut the no power now..(I am at my aunt's place right now....just came don't wonder how I am writing this..).the water has entered the ground floor flats...and those people are draining it away in buckets...they'll have to move to some relative's place at night!!no schools,no colleges....great!!! but no power,no tv,no comp,no music as well!!!!:(
the pluses are few....but i say "rain rain shower away....don't wait till another day" coz when there are no rains also, we complain......
There's just this one problem in Indian cities (at least most Indian cities)-there's no proper drainage system.....otherwise we can enjoy this cool,wet weather...all we need is an umbrella or a rain's the stagnant water and the diseases it brings with it that are a problem.....

But i have to agree with people that "too much of something good can also be bad"-look at the number of deaths,people going homeless and fields and crops ruined!!!We comment about things from within the four secure walls of our house,but there are people out there,who don't have a single wall to shelter them!!!