Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My pursuit of Jack Higgins

These hols i got to read 3 books-one was by James Hadley Chase and the other 2 by Jack higgins....Well,this author was totally unknown to me until I joined the library a few months back and my dad casually asked me what books they had stocked up.....Until then, I was going in for the same Sidney Sheldon,James Chase,Jefferey Archer and the occasional Archie comics..So when my dad asked me about the books I was scratching my chin and tried really hard and said,"Oh!They have magazines like women's era and film fare!!" As you can imagine my father was not very happy with my answer...."What Darshan!!You have joined a library...All you see is a single shelf in that huge library?? See,I don't want you to grow up like me-not knowing anything!!! I learnt many things very late in my life!! So i want you to be perfect and disciplined in whatever you do...",he went on in his usual style of starting a mini-lecture...(oh,it sometimes turns into a maxi-lecture!You never know!!)
And the very next time I went to the library i made it a point to check out what books were available..."There's a whole row of Irving Wallace,Robert Ludlum and they have stocked up P.G.somebody's books......then the usual kid stuff-Enid Blyton,Sweet Valley twins,comics...."With that,I went into a series of old memories...and how I would love to read those books even now,one or two -once in while...
"Ok,check out Jack Higgins...especially The Eagle has Landed and it's sequel...."

So the very next day I returned from the library with a tattered copy(they had only one copy,and that was in the mentioned condition...)of The Eagle has landed and The Eagle has flown.....The titles sounded exciting an that kept me going for a few chapters....The book was on one of my least favorite subjects-WAR...But my dad urged me to go on.The story itself heated up only towards the end-the last 5 or 6 soon as I was done with that book,I couldn't keep my hands off its sequel.Then followed two other books....Night of the fox and Cold Harbour.... Now I am successfully 4 books old and I can't wait to read the others...WAR books still remain my least favorite...but i have decided to try anything before I say anything negative...I love the way the author shows both sides of the war...the German side and the British side...His protagonists are all common men who have been dragged into the war...the ironical view they develop towards Life...the end -sufferers....really wonderful!!!
Yes, we should also lean back and give a thought to what a meaningless life we are leading...Life is short,even if it's a hundred years for a happy man,and life is never ending for a man who doesn't enjoy life....The eyes have It!!!(No, I don't want to go into that Ruskin Bond story it for blog is long enough!!!:P)

Starting from a library story,I have moved into the plot,the emotions and Life.....Really!I must learn to control my thoughts and focus!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm...funny it a little, lifeless thing can teach us so much..i've not yet come to jack i have no idea about him..anyways..happy reading :)